Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Population and Immigration

Most animals instinctively understand that, to the extent that one's territory is necessary to survival and reproduction, that territory must be defended against encroachment by others that would threaten one's survival. All resources are finite, and must not be over-consumed. This is especially relevant to the human immigration problem. Whereas immigration may be easily accommodated if population density is low, and may even be beneficial, once a certain population density is achieved, additional immigration becomes detrimental.

Currently the United States population density is a little under 100 persons per square mile of land, including marshes, swamps, deserts, mountain ridges and other unusable terrain. Although this translates to about 6-7 acres per U. S. resident, probably a quarter or so is unusable, and the remainder must not only provide living space but also supply food and other necessities and absorb the wastes. So far this density has been tolerable, although consumption of water supplies and other resources may be pushing critical limits.

The world population density is somewhere around 140 per square mile, and again this includes all mountains, deserts, and other unusable areas except Antarctica, which we cede to the penguins. Thus we in the U. S. are a little better off than most, but even increasing our density to the world average would not make a dent in conditions elsewhere. China and India, both large geographical areas, have densities in the order of 1000 per square mile, and this in spite of unusable areas in the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert. Again, we could double our population density by absorbing 150 million from each of these two countries, and not make a noticeable dent in the density of either. And since the human population is currently increasing at a rate of more than a quarter million per day, during the time that it might take to move 300 million people to the U. S. the population of the rest of the world could easily increase by more than the 300 million, and therefore nothing would be achieved except basically destroying the U. S.

As I discussed in my essay 'Population'(1), the growth rate of a bisexual species is primarily a function of the female reproduction success rate (the average number of successfully breeding females each female produces), and depends much less on the number of males. This presents an interesting conundrum with respect to war philosophies. In the past, with adequate land and resources, the objective of wars was to annex the opponent's land and resources, including their breeding stock (females). This bluntly translated into killing off or enslaving the males, but not killing the females. One could then spread one's own genes by breeding the conquered females. In this scenario, the invading army consisted solely of male combatants.

The problem facing Western Civilization in the 21st Century differs in several respects. In addition to a horde of invading male 'combatants', e.g., the illegals, refugees, etc., that are pouring into First World Western countries, part of the invading army consists of immigrating women, children and complete immigrating families. These members of the invading 'army' intend to win the war of conquest by out reproducing the native population, and incredibly the invaded countries are supporting their attempt to do so. Once the resident 'army' is sufficiently large, the male combatants will attempt to kill or enslave the native population.

The moral of all this is that, unlike in previous wars, women and children cannot be spared. If possible, they, along with the invading male battalions, must be removed as soon as and as completely as possible. Territorial borders must be defended from any and all encroachment. Any residue of the resident 'army' must be required to obey all laws and must NOT be supported to breed (welfare) here or abroad. If this is not successfully implemented immediately, Western Civilization is over, we will lose the 'war', and will be the subjects/slaves of the occupying invaders. The only alternative will be a no-holds-barred ethnic/race/religious conflagration where all men, women and children will be fair game. Humanity has achieved a 'critical mass', and avoiding a runaway detonation may not even be possible. As an aside, Google 'too many mice in a cage' and read the report entitled 'Behavioral Sink' by John B. Calhoun on the experiments he ran from 1947 to 1973. It's a little scary.

(1) Musings and Rants, p. 173, Marcus Everett, CKCPC3 publishing, March 2016, RR1 Box 510. Nowata, Oklahoma 74048

(c) Copyright 2016 by Marcus Everett, Wallback, WV
