Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Guns or Gun Control?

There are numerous arguments for possession of firearms by the citizenry. The least important were advanced by the NRA and others around the time of the initial anti-gun legislation – the 1968 law passed as a knee-jerk reaction to the assassinations of the Kennedys and King. These arguments were that people should have arms for hunting, shooting sports, and collections, and probably lost the NRA many members, including the author.

A more important reason for arming the citizen is for self defense. Most people can agree that one must be able to defend oneself against wild animals such as bear, wolves, coyotes, cougars, snakes, etc., as well as rabid animals, wild and domestic. Most rational people also understand that, in defending against animals or humans, it is very desirable to have at least as effective a weapon as the attacker, or preferably better. Against most attacks that one is likely to encounter, the gun is the defensive weapon of choice.

This brings us to one of the most voiced arguments against gun control or confiscation. It is often said that if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. It is certainly true that criminals will always be able to obtain the weapons they desire from the black market, which incidentally will flourish if guns are banned. The only people that will be disarmed by such laws will be the law abiding citizens that would pose virtually no danger possessing arms in the first place.

Unfortunately, the statement that only criminals will have guns depends on the definitions of criminals. If guns are banned from the public, then only criminals AND the 'authorities' will be armed. Now most police today are pro-community, although many are too trigger happy for the public's good. A bigger concern is the fact that almost all in the law enforcement world harbor an 'us against them' mentality. This mindset is easily co-opted by a tyrant in a gun-free nation to produce yet another incarnation of the SS, Gestapo, Staci, KGB, or some other version of the jack-booted storm trooper. Any holdouts would be quickly purged from the ranks, either by just terminating their membership, or if necessary by terminating them. In every totalitarian nation, the police are the enablers of despotic rule, not a protection against it. Ultimately in a disarmed nation, the only criminals with guns are the tyrant's goons, legitimized by the title of Law Enforcement.

The most immediately relevant argument against restrictive gun legislation is the Constitution. Not only is no authority given the Federal Government to restrict ownership of arms by the citizenry, but the second Amendment explicitly forbids any infringement by government at all levels of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This together with the tenth Amendment makes it clear that, short of Constitutional amendment to permit such restrictions, any such laws are illegal in themselves. Either we have a Constitutional government or we have no legitimate government, and in the latter case we need to flush the toilet and get rid of the stench.

Ultimately the most important and credible argument in favor of an armed citizenry is history. A madman killing 27 people in Connecticut with guns is a terrible tragedy, and a small group of madmen killing 2700 people in 2001 with box cutters and airliners is much worse, but the slaughter of tens of millions of people by tyrannical madmen in disarmed countries throughout history – particularly the twentieth century – is beyond tragedy. The carnage wreaked by, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and many other lesser monsters may have been with gas, guillotines, wood chippers, chainsaws, or other means as well as guns, but the common thread is that the victims were all disarmed first. The legend of the Japanese general that warned that an invasion of the US would be unwise because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass underscores the value of an armed citizenry to the security of a free people. The Swiss have been able to resist the tyrannical ambitions of their neighbors in the twentieth century by merely being fully armed. Neither the Kaiser, Hitler nor Mussolini wanted to verify whether there might be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

The American people must not try to second guess whether Obama's gun grabbing ambitions include tyrannical dreams or not, although the arming and training of his FEMA goon squad does not tend to allay one's fears. There may be other reasonable initiatives that can be taken to try to minimize the risk of the madman massacres of late, but disarming the public almost guarantees madman massacres of much greater scale. Wake up America, and study history.

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