Friday, October 6, 2023


Finally! A lady on the Fox News program Special Report, presumably speaking on behalf of a national sorority that had been forced to accept a 'trans' male as a sister, noted that there is little to no ambiguity in determining one's sex: every cell in your body knows the answer. If your 23rd chromosome pair of your DNA has two X chromosomes then you are a female. If you have one X and one Y then you are a male. Period.

However, to give some credence to the claims of many individuals that they 'feel' like they are in the wrong body, it is true that in the development of the person from a fertilized egg to an adult human, many things can go wrong. As the initial fertilized egg splits again and again cells in various parts of the body begin taking on specific characteristics to form the many parts of the finished body. This process is known as differentiation, and depends on the chemical signals from adjacent cells. In a contaminated environment errors in development may result from interference in the signaling from cell to cell. This seems to be particularly critical in the later development of the brain, where external influence from the wrong sex hormone, estrogen or testosterone, can affect the wiring of instinctive behavior for the sex of the individual. It is interesting to note that the brain cells that may be improperly wired still have or don't have the Y-DNA that fundamentally determines the sex.

Given the realities of the last paragraph and any other errors in development that might occur, it is more than reasonable to cut some slack for the affected persons. This can easily be overdone, and certainly does not give those persons the right to demand that society as a whole conform to their peculiarities. Accommodation must be limited to restraint from harassment and persecution. As long as such individuals lead their lives in a manner that does not negatively affect others in the society in an unreasonable way they should not run afoul of the law.

Legally, it is obvious that rather than a criteria such as 'sex assigned at birth' determining compliance with privileges and constraints in a society, it would make much more sense in the modern world to use DNA to answer once and for all what is a man or a woman. This is especially true now that such a test can be made with something as unobtrusive as giving a sample of saliva. Surely the Legislative bodies of a society can use something as simple as that to write meaningful laws on the subject.

Lastly, it is obviously insane to think that one can 'transition' from one sex to another by cutting and pasting body parts or intentionally interfering with proper development of a child with chemicals. The degree to which this stupidity has permeated our society does not provide much hope for the survival of America. As Mark Stein observed, "[America has become] too stupid to survive".


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