Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Left, Socialism, and Open Borders Immigration

It's not where you are that determines your prosperity, it's who you are.

For some reason unfathomable to a rational person the Political Left always seems to prefer being the last to sink in a bog to grazing with everyone else in a lush meadow. Since Marx promulgated his egalitarian anti-capitalist drivel, the Left has tried over and over to implement his flawed political/economic model, always with the same disastrous results. Whether the example is the communist versions of the USSR, the People's Republic of China, Castro's Cuba, or the Social Welfare States of Europe and Latin America, the final outcome is always a stagnant economy with a starving population.

These people never give up. Their mendacious rhetoric is always able to convince the ignorant and stupid to implement their schemes, always with the same long term disaster. In the worst cases cited above, the mob was stampeded into a 'revolution' to put the Political Left in power. In the more insidious implementations in the modern Western Democracies, the Left has utilized the ignorant and stupid mob to vote them into power. Once their foot is in the door, promises of something for nothing keeps the mob in their pocket no matter how obvious it becomes that the promises are blatant lies.

To guarantee that the gullible mob continues to dominate the electorate, the Left has refined two schemes to drastically increase their numbers. The first is to not only support the mob by wealth transfer, but to actually pay them to breed. The Welfare States in Europe and North America have become baby factories for the Left's constituency. In this scheme, the Left is seeking to augment their supporters by in effect an inverse eugenics mechanism.

Not content with destroying from within the prosperous civilization created by the Western peoples (primarily the currently despised 'white males' and the Judeo-Christian religion), the Left has a second game plan to guarantee the total collapse of Western Civilization. They have opened the doors of the Western Democracies to the Third World, and convinced the unwashed masses that they can all be prosperous by merely moving. But, as the first line of this essay implies, those that invade the First World will not become prosperous First Worlders, but the countries that they invade will become Third World hellholes like the ones they left behind. This has already become painfully apparent with the Muslim invasion of Europe. They have added virtually nothing to the economies of the invaded countries, and the Islamic 'no go' slums that they have created are cancers that will quickly kill their hosts. The U.S. Southwest is on the verge of economic collapse due to the Latin American invasion there. And in both the U.S. and Europe the threat of open borders enabling infiltration of Islamic Jihad is a serious security problem.

The thing that is difficult to understand is why the Left thinks that any of these schemes are in their long term interest. Not only does history demonstrate a high likelihood that their dominance will not last their own expected lifetimes, but their descendants are guaranteed a much less desirable world to live in. These people seem to exhibit a shortsightedness that can only be viewed to be as ignorant and stupid as the mob they exploit.

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